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“What we mean by IT these days is so much more than it was 20 years ago. It is both science and art.” Employee of the month Ieva Pudure.

Rarely we meet people with many talents and we were (and still are) surprised to discover how versatile and talented is our colleague, EasyCruit support team lead, Ieva Pudure. Languages, music, literature, organizing and taking part in different activities including charity events – that’s just a part of Ieva’s interests. Being a Team Lead, Ieva […]

Rarely we meet people with many talents and we were (and still are) surprised to discover how versatile and talented is our colleague, EasyCruit support team lead, Ieva Pudure.

Languages, music, literature, organizing and taking part in different activities including charity events – that’s just a part of Ieva’s interests. Being a Team Lead, Ieva genuinely cares about her team and other colleagues, she always puts team interests first. Even when facing a challenge, Ieva is optimistic and ready to share her ideas. Sincere and open-minded, a great colleague to work with – our employee of the October.

What is your role in VISMA?

My primary role is boosting the EasyCruit International support team as their manager. Helping people has always been one of my passions, therefore working with customer service became the natural and logical choice for me.

Working with EasyCruit is a true pleasure – it is a baffling feeling knowing that someone somewhere in the world is signing a new job contract this very moment and looking forward to new professional opportunities thanks to our product and amazing team work.

Why do you like working in VISMA?

VISMA is not only a company – it is lifestyle which gives me a sense of meaning and purpose – here everyone can apply their talent, develop their potential and explore ideas which in turn offers a lot of opportunities to grow. Everyone can find their place to grow – both personally and professionally in an environment based on mutual trust.

VISMA’s company culture is really attractive to me – honest and true to their values, this company compels me with it’s opportunities and most of all – people – reliable, proactive, engaged, eager and innovative.

What would you suggest to others who want to work in IT field?

Do it! What we mean by “IT” these days is so much more than it was 20 years ago. It is both science and art.

The field has become much more inclusive and attracts all types of talents. At the same time the functions and skills needed in the field have grown exponentially with the rise of the IT industry.

Across the industry are new avenues for starting from programmers until designers, so everyone can find their niche to participate. It also provides a multitude of opportunities to learn new skills as job models in IT often have fuzzy borders. If you’re interested in a new discipline or want to pick up a new skill, you’ll almost certainly be able to incorporate it into your daily work.

What are your hobbies?

Reading books – it is like having the opportunity to “talk” to a much wiser person who takes you on a journey through their experience, from their perspective, sharing their knowledge and wisdom. When you find a book that really draws you in it is a tremendous, unmatched feeling. Reading a book suggested by a friend can create an intimate bond with this friend, without having talked to him.

I also play viola – another wonderful personal hobby that I can share with my VISMA colleagues in our amazing band – Hoping For Friday.

Visma Labs band “Hoping for friday” at the Christmas ball.

What motivates and inspires you to achieve more?

Great mentors and industry thought leaders who walk through life with humility, respect, open mind and pure, childlike interest. People who embrace change and keep growing in spite of and thanks to challenges, failure and success.

And VISMA bookmark that says “One day. Or day one. You choose.”


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